Saturday, October 6, 2012

ARCHIVE DIY: Symmetrical Print Shirt

This project is super easy, and it also happens to be SUPER cheap!

-Shirt (color of your choice)
-Dimensional fabric paint (multiple colors of your choice)

Once you have your "dimensional fabric paint" which you can find just about anywhere it's time to find your shirt! I first started with an old black black t-shirt that I NEVER wear. I has the color scheme in mind so I go to making it!

I used fabric paint pens because that is what I found at my local Wal-Mart, so (for me at least) open up the package and pop the seals of the pens you are using right now. I chose blues, pinks, purples, and silver… I was going to use white but actually picked the silver accidentally… still looks great! 

Start to squirt blobs of paint in any type of design but stay on one side of the shirt leaving the other empty. Once you have the colors and designs (or blobs) on half of the shirt it is time to make it symmetrical! Fold the black empty side over onto the side with paint. Take your time, I went too fast and my shirt is a little crooked! Once it is folded in half press the sides together. Go around and press down anywhere you think there is paint… or just everywhere!

Now it is time for the great reveal! Unfold and carefully peel the two sides apart. You should have an amazing and unique symmetrical print on your shirt (or other garment that looks like no other!

I also picked up some "blank bandanas" while at Wal-Mart. They are basically hemmed 22'' squares that you can draw, paint, and embellish! I started to draw on one with fabric markers and fabric pens and haven't got around to finish it but the it already looks amazing worn! So I decided to try to make a symmetrical McQueen inspired print bandana following the same method! Sadly the paint was too thick for the thin bandana and when it dried it became hard to wear.

I also made an apron for my nephew! My mommom says it looks like a frog wearing a dress!

72 hours after applying the paint I washed the pieces following my fabric paint brand's directions, and after many, many, MANY washes later the print is still on and looking good! I hope you all enjoyed this "ARCHIVE DIY", and there will be a NEW DIY next Saturday!

Now back off to my Rhinstoned Dreams,
Zane Walker

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