Wednesday, August 22, 2012

DIY: American Apparel Inspired Pouch Bags!

A few months ago I was introduced to pouch bags… and I fell in LOVE! Mostly with the American Apparel Pouch bags, but I am not willing to spend so much on a simple pouch! And thus, a DIY was born!

Faux leather
Lining fabric
A zipper of your desired length

A pouch bag is just about the easiest thing you could ever make. You simply need to figure out the size of your rectangle or square, add a seam allowance. Then cut out two in your faux leather and two more out of your lining. Then we move right on into sewing!

Sewing in a zipper seams a bit confusing at first, which way does this fabric need to face, then the lining… and yada yada yada. When you get to thinking about it, it is actually really simple! Just remember to place your exterior fabric right side up, then your zipper right side down, and your lining right side down! Basically sandwiching your zipper between your exterior facing up and your lining facing down. Here are some visuals to help you understand…

And here it is actually sewn! Now repeat on the other side with your other piece of faux leather and lining. You should now have something like this.

Now pin (in the seam allowance) your two pieces of faux leather which are already attached at the top/zipper. Pin all the way around and sew. Then open up your zipper (so you can later turn it right side out) and pin your lining fabric the same way. Except this time leave a gap at the bottom large enough to turn the whole piece ride side out after! Sew. 

Turn the pouch right side out and arrange the bottom gap to meet the bottom seam. Top stitch to close the hole. Now turn the lining into the bag and you're done!

You now have your very own faux leather zippered pouch bag! Enjoy!

Now back to my Rhinestoned Dreams,
Zane Walker.

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