Saturday, August 11, 2012

Miu Miu Inspired Glitter Shoes

Rhinestoned Dreams has now been successfully resuscitated! As the first act of the rhinestoned zombie's new life I bring you a new FASHION tutorial! EXCITING! Just like tons of others I fell in love with Miu Miu''s glitter shoes, mainly the glitter(ed) oxfords. So I DIYed myself a pair!

-Shoes you wish to DIY
-Various clear drying glues
-Glitter of your choice
-Tape to tape off with
-Glossy finish spray sealer

I began with a simple and (relatively) cheap pair of white sneakers from Urban Outfitters. I bought a pair with a somewhat oxford-y construction just for this DIY. Now onto the GLITTER!


There are a few ways of making your, let's call it "glitter glue". 
A) A simple mixture of Glossy finish Mod Podge and your choice of glitter.
B) The Zane Walker In-Home Method. 

Which one do you think I used? That's right the "…In-Home Method" consisting of; some regular Mod Podge I already had, Craft Bond "Gel Dip", Elmer's White School Glue, Elmer's Craft Bond All-Purpose Glue, and a TON of silver glitter. Why would I use all of these random glues to make my "glitter glue" when I could have just gotten a new glossy finish Mod Podge? Because of reasons.

If you are using the glossy Mod Podge method all you have to do is mix Mod Podge and your glitter until it reaches the consistency you would like to work with. You could also purchase and use a magical product I didn't even know existed until recently, Mod Podge with Glitter! Oooh, ahhhh!

If you are using the "In-Home Method" simply mix together your random array of clear drying glues and your glitter! Make sure you add a TON of glitter, and if your mixture just looks like white clumpy glue/glitter you are fine. The glue part will dry clear exposing the glitter within, this also kind of seals the glitter in/onto the shoe. The "Craft Bond Gel Dip" I used in my mixture was/is already a glitter glue product but I wanted a coarser silver glitter rather than the fine holographic glitter it contains. Together the two created a nice mixture of the coarse silver glitter with a pinch of the rainbow effects of the holographic glitter. 

Once you have your glitter concoction ready tape off any parts of your shoes you DO NOT want any glitter on. For me I simply taped off the sole of the sneakers. And begin painting your "glitter glue" onto the parts you want to glitter up! If you are using sneakers and need to glitter around the eyelets simply paint the glitter on and use a wet cotton swab to clean the glitter glue off the eyelets. Allow the first coat to dry and repeat as many times as necessary to reach full capacity glitter overload! Once satisfied with your glitter work you can remove the tape and inspect your handiwork. The "In-Home Method" of random glues and the the glitter left the shoes with no fall out of glitter. The glue mixture kind of embeds all of the glitter within the glue onto the shoe leaving a smooth to the touch finish. 

Since my glitter mixture included various glues the finished surface of my shoes was pretty matte leaving the glitter not as sparkly as I wanted. So I spray a few coats of glossy finish/sealer on them and the problem was solved! I then paired them with some mini rhinestoned faux leather bow tie pins I made and hey are good to go. 

In the future I am going to apply mini silver spikes the the toe/ front of the "oxford" area and the heel for an even more over the top look.

Stay tuned to the new revamped (and still doing so) Rhinestoned Dreams, next post on Wednesday! And a new tutorial on Saturday!

Now back off to my Rhinestoned Dreams,
Zane Walker

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